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Time Warp: How we perceive time impacts our emotions
Time is a subjective experience. We identify and catalog time differently. When we understand how we are experiencing time, we can change...
How do I spot my blind spots?
We all have blind spots. To prove it to you, put your finger about six inches from your nose. Focus on your finger, as you move your hand...
Clear the stuff to clear your mind
Nancy Cramer Has your office turned into a storage closet? If so, consider this… When you go into a well-run museum and approach a...
Am I addicted to my stuff? ...How we personify things to keep from feeling
A woman watched the waiter remove a half-eaten dessert. Her instant response was a strong, emotional tug on her heartstrings. “It was as...
Valentine's Day for Singles
Many people feel left out on Valentine’s Day. It has become a day when single people avoid grocery stores where roses, champagne and...
When your kid has a learning difference
When my daughter was in the second grade, I was told she could not read or spell and would probably never surpass the eighth grade...
What to know before you go into MLM
After my second child was born, I had decided to stay home with kids and "just be a Mom." It was not long before the MLM community found...
Get Smart: Strategies to increase your intelligence
I have often been intrigued by the rubrics cube challenge. I would try many times to get the block of colored squares sorted with each...
Getting Clear through the Clutter
An important and overlooked aspect of managing emotions is managing the environment. Clearing clutter is a simple intervention that has...
How to know if you're a Downer
Like bad body odor, sometimes we have to check to see if we are the one pulling everyone else down. Are you giving off negative energy?...
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